by 15:42
We had a thanksgiving service to thank God for His faithfulness for the past 5 years and also for a convocation ceremony. Its not Iike a few hours is enough to return the gIory to God. In Pastor Ojeme's sermon he said we must understand that thanksgiving was a debt we owed God. He said we whatever good we saw in our lives was because of God and that it could have been worse .
Please if i took any picture on your device, please be nice and tag me, no hoarding of pictures!!
The pictures were aIot!! It was close to a thousand if not more, enjoy!!
See the pictures below;

ifeoma, banke and dumebi


by 14:43

Iayo and I
Everyone bitches about CU, about how life is stressful and unbearable. To be frank i had gotten used to it, at least that's what I teII my self.
I spent a month between May and June and I missed the environment.
There is so much about CU that I wiII miss, but these rank tops.
NEPA: The light condition at home is unpalatable.In school I slept and woke up with  light, i never had to be bothered a;bout ironing my clothes for the next day.
Wifi : Internet access just makes things easier. In school I used to Skype my next door room mate if I needed something. There was no need for unnecessary interaction and the irritation associated with it. I even used to listen to on line radio. Now all I am bothered about is data usage.. How does one survive? We downloaded weekly episodes of scandal. Modern family, glee, two broke girls, etc. Now I have to wait till I get to an office environment and ask the staff there for their network password. How the mighty has fallen.


by 17:30
On Wednesday, I took a bus from Alpha Beach going to Obalende. It wasn’t my best choice for a bus as the vehicle contained just one passenger, I was going to be the second passenger but I just wanted to leave on time. Growing up, if we were going to enter a bus my mum told us to enter one that was filled with passengers, she said it was always safer.
As we moved from one bus stop to another passengers started filling the bus and I was less skeptical.
We got to Jakande and our driver parked wrongly and from nowhere these uniformed men in blue and black


by 08:39

I am blessed to have petite sisters and stylish ones at that. When people ask me where I get most of my dresses I am quick to say, ‘one of my sisters’. It was yesterday I realized how lucky I was to have their hand me downs.
I went to Lekki 1 to check Grey Velvet but nothing was happening there. I went to another shop there and I saw this nice grey lace dress, it fit like a glove, I was in love!!! I decided to check the price tag of the dress, I saw 21k. I hated the dress, I termed it ugly immediately. I felt a slight headache. I swallowed Panadol.


by 11:46

Growing up we all had pet names that our loved ones called us, we didn't always like it. Most times these pet names had a story. Mine was ‘Oma’ meaning good, I didn't know the story behind the name but it stuck. My baby sister’s name was ‘Ochonma’ meaning ‘the one who looked for good’, it meant she liked Shakara, she hated it for a while.
Most of these pet names were suffixed with ‘listic’,’ sco’ or ‘fire’ .
In secondary school, people had nicknames, mine was ‘oneway’. It was the easier way to pronounce my surname ‘Nwawe’. My baby sis adopted it when she joined me.
In the university, you meet your first boyfriend and your feel the need to give him a name to mark territory (whatever that means), it’s at this point, everyone acts cute. You hear names like ‘boo’, ’baby’, ‘sugar’, etc..
Then you get married and become more traditional, you go with ‘darling’,’ dear’, and ‘my heart’.

But the issue is that people go overboard with these names, a relative of mine  calls her husband MY LORD. Way to raise the bar. Which one is my lord, your house na court?
I personally think much of these pet names. But what do I know? So what was your pet name growing up and what ridiculous one do you have in mind for your partner. Let me know..
P.S:If you have products you want to showcase on-line, send a mail to Rita at or
                                                                                                 Ifeoma N.
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