Deji said...
its been a while I was ill but that which was funny was way back in 2007, few days to exams and I fell ill. I couldn't miss the exam so I dragged myself to the clinic and got injected by the "dart thrower" (a male nurse in our school clinic, he got that name cos he injects u like he is throwing a dart ), but by midnight I had turn twice my size. Cos my body had swollen up, but I dragged my extra weight to d exam hall and sha wrote. Then the rest of the week, I had doctors and nurses use me as experiment ground..... -
29 November 2013 at 14:36
- Unknown said...
lmao @ my body had swollen up.. I am very sure when he was giving you the injection he was acting like he was doing u a favour. Back then in secondary school, it was the auxiliary nurse that was our very own 'dart thrower'.
29 November 2013 at 16:21
Anonymous said...
29 November 2013 at 16:40
- Ire said...
Nurses have been nice to me all my life.
But, my Dad is realy bad at being a nurse. I never liked taking drugs,so, when i was little, i would collect them and put them under the couch (the innocence of childhood sha! didn't i know my mum would sweep and discover them?) so, i'd hide them and i would be caught and well...u know the rest of the story. Memories of times i was sick as a kid are scary, not because i was sick but because i was more shouted at than when i was healthy...
29 November 2013 at 18:06
- Unknown said...
lmao!! me too, my mum spent most of the time shining her eyes and telling me not to throw up.. I guess its tough love..
29 November 2013 at 18:09
- Unknown said...
nne oh!!!!!!!!!
you just made ,my day with this nurse eliza( my best ibotic accent).
lmao @ even if your father works in cadbury,
good one my dear and keep it up.
http://ezechimereuchenna.blogspot.com/ -
29 November 2013 at 19:39
- Unknown said...
nwanyi oma thanks for stopping by.. u do well!!!!!
29 November 2013 at 22:28
- JustPorsh said...
Crack ya ribs!
Serzly, u've never met a mean nurse until u've attended a Federal Second School in Nigeria!
Meanness is an understatement. They make the deil seem like a nice man.
You would go to the clinic with a fever and you would be handed about 30 tablets to swallow. A closer look and you would find 12 paracetamol, 10 panadol, 5 vitamin c etc.
Don't take the drugs na, they wee slap u senseless!
Injections are the worst!
I can remember being unable to walk for 2days after a nurse stabbed me with injection.
No be small nurse eliza! -
5 December 2013 at 21:13
- StyleFash25 said...
Hahahaha "in yaaaaaaaaa life". Well my mum was a nurse but she was nice to everyone o. We only fought when she had to give me injection. I hate injections with a passion. I remember once, i was running around and she was chasing me to give me the injection and the next thing i heard "I'll be very violent with you now this girl"...LOL. And i was wondering, violent with a sick person ke? I then remembered she was did Psychiatric nursing for a while, no one told me to be still.
First time on your blog and i'm lovong it :-D
www.stylefash25.blogspot.com -
9 December 2013 at 13:25
- Unknown said...
lmao!!! Thanks for stopping dear!!
9 December 2013 at 18:35
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