Oshey!! Baddest
I am a Bobcat. I love Bobriskyy for someone who is not on Snapchat, I know quite a lot about him. 

Some fun facts about Bobriskyy:

  • The Bob is a cream seller by day and  a motivational speaker and relationship expert at night. He is famous for quotes like:
'If you don't risk things in life, you can never get there' 
' If your bae is a broke azz. delete his number'
  •  He is in love with the letter 'R', what salt is to soup is what 'R' is to Bobriskyy.
  • He is always on fleek, that's probably why haters won't let him be.

Add your own fun facts in the comments section.

When I saw Bobriskyy was gaining some form of recognition on Snapchat, I was happy for him. I told a friend to tell a friend about The Bob. Once on twitter, I asked Arit why she had not considered having him on The Crunch, she said her show had some restrictions.

To be honest I felt an interview with Bobriskyy will drive the LGBT conversation we have refused to have as a nation. A conversation that had been cut short with the 14 year jail term.
Now that I think of it,its too much to ask. The Bob just wants to play,he is not politically conscious enough to engage in that discourse.

I have seen three Bobriskyy interviews and these are my observations:

  • Media can be a powerful tool, its powerful enough to have trouble knocking on your gate. So see my surprise when everyone is bashing Bobriskyy for denying his sexual orientation. Was he supposed to announce on TV that he was gay? Why do we act like we are oblivious to the country we live in? Was Bobriskyy supposed to be himself just so his 'fans' can be happy? Please help me understand.

  • Why do I feel like Bobriskyy was disrespected? The questions were intrusive. You should have seen my shock when I saw Bobriskyy's interview with Adesuwa Onyenokwe and Pulse TV. Adesuwa was just all over him, what she was interested in doing was checking his nails, fondling his boobs, placing her hands on his knees. To what end please? The disrespect. Like that wasn't enough, the tacky interview with Pulse TV and he was been questioned about his sexual experience with bae, they wanted to know if sex was painful. The nerve! It’s one thing to ask about an adult's sexual orientation but to ask for details of his sexual experience? Now that's just reaching.

  • How could Bobriskyy not see through the BS? Why was he smiling and giggling in the midst of 'see finish'? How could he not see that he was being disrespected? How desperate can you be for the limelight that you don't know that allow don turn to allowance?

Maybe I am overanalysing it. Damn it, I made a whole post about Bobriskyy, I should face the wall tbh.

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