2016 has been one helluva year, it started colorless for me and it became bland and next thing I know I see colours everywhere.
I know everyone has said one thing or the other about this year, but somehow God came through for me.
The soundtrack to my life this year was Intentional by Travis Greene. I realized that everything happens for a purpose and God is intentional about the happenings of my life.

I have decided to share the lessons I learnt this year and I hope it causes you to reflect and appreciate the little things around you.

1. Open your mouth: On one of the days when penury became overwhelming, I spoke to my friend randomly, he had just moved in to Lagos, I said I needed a job as a home tutor in case he knew anyone. Few days later, a lady calls me and tells me she needs my service. Not only did my account balance upgrade, I found a friend. Good people, keep talking you never just know.

2. Put your money where your mouth is: I wrote here about how I have had the dream of becoming an On-Air-Personality, an opportunity for a radio masterclass came and it came with a fee so I decided to pay. I actually don't like spending money, it gives me headache that's probably why I am always engaging in giveaways. So paying for this was a big deal, but there comes a time in your life when you know that to prove you are passionate about something you will need to let go of some money.
That was one of my best decisions of 2016. The masterclass came with a 4day internship opportunity and just last week, I spoke on air. I almost fainted, guys. I shared this testimony with every friend.
Like that wasn't enough, I get to keep my weekend internship after my 4 days at 99.3FM.
My point? As you journey through life, the things that you want may not come on a platter of gold, you may need to give something.
My point? As you journey through life, the things that you want may not come on a platter of gold, you may need to give something.

3. We have angels disguised as human beings in our midst: This year Asa decided to bless us with her talent, I couldn't afford it and I did what I know how to do best, tweet the randomest things.
Few weeks later, the most beautiful lady named Arit, steps into my dms offering to pay for my ticket. She even apologises for not getting me VIP. Who does that?
Don't lose your faith in humanity yet.

4. Kindness is so underrated: This year I became woke as it relates to kindness and basic human respect.I feel like we don't treat people right enough, we claim to be nice but most times we show kindness to our squad, I feel like we can do better extend this kindness and respect too anyone as long as he or she is breathing. That's why I worry for us, and we are so concerned with raising smart kids, we forget to teach them the basics. Its in how we treat the people we think we are 'better' than, its in how we dehumanise the village (hosehelps, drivers, gatemen, cleaners etc) who make our lives easier.
We act like they should be blamed for their present condition. Do better.

5. Get your Lean In tribe: I know the internet likes to scream about how you don't need nobody, how you are fabulous all by yourself. I have heard and I call BS on that. I think it's important that you find your tribe, your personal otimkpus that will go tell it on the mountain about how amazing you are, not because you can't shout but because you have shouted enough and you don't mind the extra voices. I am lucky to be friends with the people I am friends with, they truly are the best souls.

6. Family is everything: Everyone says this and for some reason I always wave it aside and say,'Well, that's how it should be'. But in the past one week I understood the truth in that statement. An opportunity to change jobs (a less paying one at that because I felt I could do so much more) and they supported me all the way.

My dad actually offered to pay the difference, he didn't have to do it to be honest, but offering to do it for me was proof that they have my back.

7. Volunteering is everything: My entire time in school, I had never heard of volunteering. I understood getting holiday jobs, but the concept of working for free and your reward being fulfilment, I didnt get it. Last year I heard Chude speak at an event and he mentioned something about volunteering and I ran with it. Its the best thing that happened to me. Did you know I got my current job by volunteering? If you have free time, you should consider it.

8. Send the elevator back down: I wrote about my YPB experience and to be honest its really a story of people sending the elevator down. As you grow you will have people coming behind you, I hope you take out time to teach them the ropes.

So did 2016 show you pepper, did you use it to make peppersoup? Let me know.

Have a beautiful 2017!

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