Have you seen this Lagos sun recently? Every time I go out, I can hear my skin sizzling.
My skin is the meat or plantain, body cream is the oil, the sun is the fire.
Maybe I am just naive but for some reason I always think people have good intentions towards me, its for that reason that when someone offers me a free ride I just hop in.
I have gotten rides from three persons recently and I have stories to tell. Some good, some bad, some na you fuck up.
I entered a ride once and next thing the man is proposing to me. He held my hands and said,'Ify, let's do this'. I take the blame, na me cause am.
Another one told he he will take me to Barbados. I am just tired.

On Saturday after Toatmasters, someone was nice enough to give me a ride home, we were heading towards the same direction, so we branched at Mega Plaza to pick up Chinese so he would take it home.
He says he has to do something urgently, so he places his order and goes back to his car.
I am just in the restaurant sitting pretty, the attendant comes with the pack of food and he is giving me the 'bitch, better have my money look'.
It's 20 minutes after and dude is not back. I am scared. How do I tell these people that this Chinese food is not mine? How do I tell them na only escort I escort am, because I can't sit inside someone's car while they are out?
All these many questions.
He comes back 30 minutes later, he actually went to pay for his toll.
But the whole free ride thing, had me thinking, you know how you get an 'opportunity' and you are all excited, just for you to realize that you just shot yourself in the foot.
All these 'free rides' come in front of that new job that you shared testimony about, a relationship you should have avoided, an acquaintance that you upgraded to friend, that meal that you shouldn't have eaten because you are now fitfam,but you did anyway because it was awoof. The list is endless
Not every open door should be walked into, sometimes just unlook, sometimes allow the sun fry you.
No, you won't die.
Some free rides might be worth your while, some might waste your time, some will create multiple blog posts.
May we be discerning.
Have a beautiful day!

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