by 12:01
DISCLAIMER: I am not a deep person.
This post is quite random.
I went to see Beasts of No Nation during the week and for some reason I liked it. It was different from the other movies that interest me.
Let me not lie, I watched to fulfill scriptures. You know that part of the Bible that says,’ can anything good come out of Jerusalem?’


by 11:05
Yesterday night the internet was abuzz with a leaked elevator video that showed NFL player Ray Rice hitting his then fiancee. He hit her, dragged her like a bag of akpu and a month after she became his wife.
If you know me well, you know i hate physical violence especially in a relationship. Whether its from the male or female partner. I don’t think anyone deserves to be physically abused irrespective of your gender.
But that's not the issue at hand. I'm concerned, why do people stay in toxic relationships?! 


by 10:58
I am at the jumping bus phase of my life, at this stage I am appreciating the little things, the conductors feisty attitude, the unpleasantness of my fellow passengers that could be in the form of an attitude or body odor.
Lmao!!! What is this nonsense I am typing? No matter how much English I speak danfo is danfo and I won't even try and see the silver lining there.
Whenever I board a bus, these are the things I notice:

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